Various Linux scripts.

Updated 2 years ago

Various Kubernetes-related scenarios to use as kubectl plug-ins.

Updated 2 years ago

A script for building tclkits.

Updated 2 years ago

Python 0 0

A script for downloading all the data from group.

Updated 3 years ago

HTML 0 0

A semi-automatic parser of Ancient Greek and Latin languages.

Updated 3 years ago

A music collection management script.

Updated 4 years ago

Python 0 0

Helm repositories mirrorer

Updated 4 years ago

GNU Coreutils written in Haskell

Updated 4 years ago

A script for displaying metadata of GPT files.

Updated 5 years ago

A handbook of the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A scenario for a list of available Slackware Linux updates.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A postal tracking tool.

Updated 5 years ago

A script to retrieve a list of the most required skills for given vacancies from the website Golang version.

Updated 5 years ago

Haskell 0 0

A script to retrieve a list of the most required skills for given vacancies from the website

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 0

A script for sending groups updates via e-mail.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A script for java/play application upgrading.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A script for updating service/application.

Updated 5 years ago

A script for displaying metadata of TES III Morrowind plugins.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* An audio stream processor and a retransmittor to icecast.

Updated 5 years ago

Haskell 0 0

An utiliy for displaying information about wav-files.

Updated 5 years ago