HTML 0 0

A semi-automatic parser of Ancient Greek and Latin languages.

Updated 3 years ago

A website with materials for learning ancient languages.

Updated 4 years ago

This application provides fuzzy search server for data stored in JSON format.

Updated 5 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

A tool for creating feminine form of masculine-by-default nouns.

Updated 3 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

A tool for visualization of ancient Greek musical accent.

Updated 5 years ago

A program for displaying notes and chords on the neck of stringed instruments.

Updated 5 years ago

Vim script 0 0


Updated 1 year ago

Common Lisp 0 0

A book database maintenance program.

Updated 5 years ago

A script for displaying metadata of GPT files.

Updated 5 years ago

Haskell 0 0

An utiliy for displaying information about wav-files.

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 0

A script for sending groups updates via e-mail.

Updated 5 years ago

A script for selecting Nerd Fonts' glyphs by their names.

Updated 5 years ago

Vim script 0 0

Vim plugin for sdcv.


Updated 2 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A script for updating service/application.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A script for java/play application upgrading.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* The scripts for 2GIS updating.

Updated 5 years ago

A script for displaying metadata of TES III Morrowind plugins.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A postal tracking tool.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* A scenario for a list of available Slackware Linux updates.

Updated 5 years ago

*ARCHIVE* An audio stream processor and a retransmittor to icecast.

Updated 5 years ago